Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A shorter post that should make you want to read Rachel's longer post.

Hello all. It is September 9th. One month I have been a married man. Rachel has been doing most of the blogging from our neck of the woods. Although it has been less of a neck of the woods since Gustav knocked so many trees down.

Yes Rachel does get violent being cooped up inside. She also tends to start sentences and then shift into a totally different sentence before she finishes the other one. (she does bug me that I start sentences and then never finish them. But that's not quite as fun. =D ) She does it all the time and I need to be writing them down because they are stinking funny. One time we were driving and Rachel was flipping through the atlas. She said, "Why can't an atlas be more like google maps. You know so you can zoom in and out. It needs to be more Accu- whole picture." I'm still wondering what an accuwhole picture is.

Rachel did teach me how to play 10,000 and it has been so fun. Yes she beats me most of the time. However I want to mention that last night I won. It was great because it was all her fault. I had forgotten that 3 fives was 500 and not 150.

D: So on my first roll I got 150 and another 100 makes 250.
R: No it's not. That first roll was 500. So the next 100 makes 600.
D: Oh yeah, SWEET! I'll take 600 then. I was at 9400 added to 600 is 10,000. I WIN!
R: What??? No, you wouldn't have gotten that if I didn't remind you.
D: Yeah but I still win.

So that brings my win total to 2. Which is nice cause Rachel is like a dozen games up on me or something.

By the way we did get to Walmart on Sunday to get stuff to put the desk together. Yeah Saturday was crazy. A whole bunch of running around for very little bought. But it was worth it for one reason. OUR SPOON REST!!!! Really we got the sweetest spoon rest on Saturday. (That's the day Rachel blogged about when we couldn't find the bathroom. See I told you this post would make you want to read it.) Anyway having made my first french toast last week made me truly appreciate the need for a quality spoon rest. At the first Bed Bath and Beyond we found a nice looking metal spoon rest. But as Rachel mentioned we didn't get anything there. But at the second Bed Bath and Beyond we found a spoon rest at HALF the price that matches our new dishes perfectly. Now there is a win win situation if I ever heard of one.

I hope my story was a gift to you. I hope to blog a picture of our spoon rest soon.


rachelslab said...

Something you left out:

R; "We need a spoon rest."
D: "A What?"
R: "A spoon rest - the thing you put on the stove and put cooking untensils on when they are all messy from cooking."
D: "They make those?"
R: "Ah, yeah, they make those. I'm sure your mom has one."
D: hmmmmmm....

rachelslab said...

Something you left out:

R; "We need a spoon rest."
D: "A What?"
R: "A spoon rest - the thing you put on the stove and put cooking untensils on when they are all messy from cooking."
D: "They make those?"
R: "Ah, yeah, they make those. I'm sure your mom has one."
D: hmmmmmm....

rachelslab said...

oops - it posted twice. sorry. now you're going to think you got lots of comments.

Jenni said...

i was just smiling about the spoonrest too. oh, how your life has already been enriched!! :-) happy monthiversary!

Matthew and Rhonda said...

great post. :) and, by the way, why am i not linking to your blog? may i?

Abbie said...

Good story! And where do I find Rachel's blog?

rachelslab said...

Abbie -- Just click on my name. Any of the 4 that appear in these comments. Should take you right there.